As per an advertisement in the daily Quran Teacher Jobs published on 15 February 2025, private school Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK Pakistan, has several vacancies including Urdu teachers, teachers, English teachers, computer teachers, mathematics teachers, female teachers, science teachers, and playgroup teachers. A candidate with an MA, a Bachelor, a Bachelor’s, a Master’s, or a Master’s degree will be preferred. Applicants can apply for the latest classified jobs in Private School in Teaching and others until 28 February 2025 or as per the closing date in the newspaper Find out how to apply for the latest job openings at a Private School by reading the complete ad online.
Other Jobs:
The Quran Teacher job was posted on February 15, 2025. It is listed under the category of Classy Feeds and is featured in the Today’s Jobs newspaper. To apply for this job, you need to have completed your education. If you have earned a Bachelor, Master, B.A., M.A., M.Sc., or BS, you are eligible to apply and benefit from this opportunity.
The job is located in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. If you are from Peshawar, KPK, or anywhere in Pakistan, you are welcome to apply, as this position is open to all qualified candidates from these areas. The job is a full-time position at Jahn Private School in the Teaching Jobs industry.
Please share this job opportunity with others who have completed their education so they can apply and benefit as well. If you’re not interested in this position, we have listed three other job opportunities above. Click on any of the links to view full details and benefits. You can explore these options and apply for the one that suits you best.
Both male and female candidates are welcome to apply for this job. The salary is also very attractive, ranging from 70,000 to 80,000. You will need some level of experience for this position. If you already have experience, that’s great; however, if not, you should have at least two years of experience to be eligible for this job.
Make sure to apply before the last date, which is February 28, 2025, as applications received after this date will not be accepted.
For more information and to apply, visit our website. Follow the provided link to access all the details and submit your application today!
This Job is Posted By -Kiran Saeed- Owner of
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